Illustration commission is accepted.
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@Workday, Time
The order of work will be as you requested, and it may take longer than usual due to the large number of applicants. ~ We will proceed with the Muslot system commission.

Only basic structure; 50% refund
Refund only 30% of the rough before the pre-filling process is completed to a certain extent.
You cannot get a refund in the pre-dating stage or in the case of coloring.

The feedback is basically 3 times in total, once in the composition, once in the rough, once in the coloring stage. Other than that, if you request feedback, but you think you have poor communication, you can count it separately.

I have the copyright of the completed painting through commission, and it is impossible to modify or change it without my permission.
When used for a place,
In that case, please notify us before you apply. In that case, the completed picture can be uploaded to Twitter or Fixive, and in that case, it will be uploaded to the resolution rather than the watermark or original size. Of course, we're not working on anti-social or third-party pictures that can cause a stir. Also, I would like to inform you that the picture that may not be able to work due to my lack of skills may be canceled.

R18 level commission work is possible.
See Original

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